INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) <p>IJEAT: International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology is a publication media for research in the field of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, power engineering, environmental engineering, postharvest technology, food technology, biotechnology and emerging technologies. Subjects of basic engineering and science such as instrumentation, machinery design, human factor and ergonomics, global warming, renewable energy, climate change, terramechanics and new materials are also included in the scope of IJEAT.</p> <p>Published manuscripts or papers have been reviewed by peer reviewers and have passed the plagiarism test. This journal provides fully open access to content with the aim of contributing to the free dissemination of knowledge to the public and supporting the global exchange of knowledge. The IJEAT Journal is published by the Research Community Services Unit, Nusa Putra University.</p> Nusa Putra University en-US INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) 2620-9632 Design, Fabrication and Emission Testing of Waste Destroying Incinerators For PT. Kujang Sakti Siliwangi <p>The rest of Cisaat Market's waste cannot be recycled by PT. Kujang Sakti Siliwangi is 2.4 tons per day while the Cimenteng TPA is almost over capacity. This causes market waste to increasingly accumulate, so a solution is needed, namely destroying waste using incinerators. The incinerator was designed using the ISO mechanical engineering drawing method using Autodesk Inventor software. The fabrication process uses methods of cutting material, welding, assembling/installing components, and painting all incinerator components. The test results are very satisfactory and the incinerator is suitable for operation because it is below the threshold according to Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 70 of 2016 concerning quality standards for emissions from businesses and/or thermal waste processing activities. The results of the Total Particulate value were 44.79 mg/Nm3, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) was 175.70 mg/Nm3, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) was 213.80 mg/Nm3, Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) was 5.27 mg/Nm3 , Mercury (Hg) of 0.000267 mg/Nm3, Carbon Monoxide (CO) of 85.04 mg/Nm3, Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) of 0.06 mg/Nm3.</p> Somantri Anggy Pradiftha Junfithrana Dani Mardiyana Satish Kumar Damodar Copyright (c) 2024 Anggy Pradiftha Junfithrana, Dani Mardiyana, Somantri, Satish Kumar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 7 1 1 9 10.52005/ijeat.v7i1.99 Analysis of Water Environment Quality Around Cikundul Landfill In Sukabumi City <p>Landfills are potential sources of water pollution from waste. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research related to the quality of the aquatic environment around the Cikundul landfill in Sukabumi City to overcome the problem of water pollution. This research will be conducted in the Cikundul landfill environment with a focus only on the aquatic environment around the landfill. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. In this study, the subject of research is the quality of the aquatic environment around the Cikundul landfill in Sukabumi City. Meanwhile, the object of research is the Cikundul landfill in Sukabumi City. The results showed that the leachate water quality in Cikundul landfill for the last 3 years had TSS concentrations ranging from 100 - 548 mg/L, COD concentrations ranging from 106 - 1979 mg/L, BOD concentrations ranging from 35 - 171.3 mg/L. There was a decrease in water quality in the Lower Cipanegah and Lower Cimandiri rivers. This condition is thought to be due to the discharge of leachate that exceeds the quality standards into public waters and the habit of people around the river who dispose of their domestic waste directly.</p> Risa Salsabila Eneng Rahmi Utamy Sukmayu Saputri Nita Kurnita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Risa Salsabilaa, Eneng Rahmi, Utamy Sukmayu Saputrib, Nita Kurnita Sarib 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 7 1 10 18 10.52005/ijeat.v7i1.104 Quality Assessment of Skincare Products with Simple Additive Weighting Approach to Detect Illegal Skincare Products <p>The increasing public need for skincare products encourages manufacturers to innovate in creating products that suit consumer needs. However, with easy access to information in the digital era, new problems have arisen related to the diversity of skincare products on the market, including the rise of fake products containing dangerous ingredients. This research uses the SAW method to evaluate the quality of skincare products based on predetermined criteria. With a large female population in Indonesia and significant growth in online sales of skincare products, this research contributes to helping consumers choose safe and effective skincare products. It is hoped that using the SAW method can identify or reduce the risk of using fake skincare which can endanger skin health and cause serious dermatological problems. Therefore, a thorough understanding of skincare and the use of analytical methods such as SAW are important in the consumer decision-making process</p> Dudih Gustian Ismi Nurhadianti Rusmana Dede Sukmawan Copyright (c) 2024 Dudih Gustian, Ismi Nurhadianti Rusmana, Dede Sukmawan 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 7 1 19 29 10.52005/ijeat.v7i1.105 Analysis of The use of Proteus Software as a Practical Learning Support <p>This research aims to increase understanding of electronics and control systems practicum using Proteus software and practicum directly using electronic components. Proteus software is used to complement the limited equipment in the electrical laboratory and control laboratory. Data was collected using the success rate of cadets in increasing their practical understanding of electronics and control systems courses using Proteus software to complete the practicum using electronic components and simulators in learning from 16 meetings and added with UTS and UAS. The use of Proteus software for practical activities is based on the need to improve cadet skills which is based on the fact that around 76% of cadets who take part in electronics and control systems practicum do not understand electronic circuits because the practicum only uses a simulator board so it needs to be combined with Proteus software to better understand the material involved. given. Apart from the limitations of electronic component equipment, Proteus software is used. The results showed that using Proteus software, 97% of cadets were able to take part in this learning, which had a positive impact on learning outcomes and cadet activities.</p> Arif Rakhman Suharso Arif Akhmad Nuriyanis Ario Hendartono Evi Sirait Fajar Sari Kurniawan Candra Oktyasari Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Arif Rakhman Suharso, Akhmad Nuriyanis, Ario Hendartono, Evi Sirait, Fajar Sari Kurniawan, Candra Oktyasari Putri 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 7 1 30 39 10.52005/ijeat.v7i1.96 Financial Analysis of 30.7 kW On Grid Rooftop PLTS in BLK Sukabumi Regency <p>The use of solar energy as a solar power plant (PLTS) has increasingly developed and received attention in the last few decades. BLK Sukabumi Regency has a building roof that has the potential to be used as a rooftop PLTS, so it can reduce electricity bills. This research aims to financially analyze the integration of rooftop solar PV at the Sukabumi Regency Job Training Center (BLK). In this research, planning and design of a rooftop PLTS with a capacity of 30.7 kW was carried out using Canadian Solar 320 W solar panels and an ICA Solar 30 kW inverter. The analysis results show that the construction of this rooftop PLTS requires initial investment costs of IDR 300,000,000.00 with annual operational costs reaching IDR 35,278,070.00 and total operational and maintenance costs for 20 years reaching IDR 558,453,870.40. Apart from that, this project has a Net Present Cost (NPC) value of IDR 894,907,600.00 with a payback period of approximately 12 years. After integration with Rooftop PLTS, electricity tariffs succeeded in decreasing by around 30% from IDR 900/kWh to IDR 630.64/ kWh, with a reduction in energy costs from IDR 63,370,935.00/year to 30,615,359.59/year. Based on the results of this research, the relevant suggestions are: implementing a 30 kW rooftop PLTS in BLK Sukabumi Regency as a step towards more sustainable use of renewable energy; conduct further feasibility studies to find alternative components such as solar panels or inverters that are more economical without sacrificing system performance; and consider utilizing renewable energy in other locations on a larger scale, such as government buildings or large industries, to reduce dependence on fossil energy sources.</p> Marina Artiyasa Ajat Anang Suryana Gina Syabani Yuda Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Artiyasa, Ajat, Anang Suryana, Gina Syabani Yuda 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 7 1 40 49 10.52005/ijeat.v7i1.101