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About the Journal
IJEAT: International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology is a publication media for research in the field of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, power engineering, environmental engineering, postharvest technology, food technology, biotechnology and emerging technologies. Subjects of basic engineering and science such as instrumentation, machinery design, human factor and ergonomics, global warming, renewable energy, climate change, terramechanics and new materials are also included in the scope of IJEAT.
Published manuscripts or papers have been reviewed by peer reviewers and have passed the plagiarism test. This journal provides fully open access to content with the aim of contributing to the free dissemination of knowledge to the public and supporting the global exchange of knowledge. The IJEAT Journal is published by the Research Community Services Unit, Nusa Putra University.
Current Issue
The fifth edition of International Journal Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) has been published at the Nusa Putra Univesity, Sukabumi, Indonesia. The second Issue was published in May and November 2024.
IJEAT will publish two issue per year. In order to accelerate and streamline the manuscript handling process, an online manuscript submission system, together with the website of IJEAT will be set up in 2023. After the launch, this journal may provide open access to its contents in the near future on the principle that making research findings freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, which in turn can enhance the usefulness and visibility of IJEAT.
Journal title | International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) | |
Initials | IJEAT | |
Abbreviation | IJEAT | |
Frequency | Two issues per year (November and May) |
DOI | prefix10.52005 | |
Print ISSN |
Online ISSN | 2620-9632 | |
Editor-in-Chief | Paikun | |
Publisher | RCSU - Nusa Putra University | |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | |
License | CC-BY-SA |
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) is a scientific journal that focuses on the delivery of information on the results of scientific research in the field of Technology, Science, Disain. All Article process with double-blind peer review. This journal covers all topics related to research in Informatics, Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Disain Communication Visual. This journal publishing frequency two a year, in November and May.
IJEAT: International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology has been accredited by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesian and indexed in SINTA catagorized in SINTA-4 according to the decree No. 79/E/KPT/2023. starting from Vol. 3, No. 1, 2020 until Vol. 7, No. 2, 2024.
IJEAT: International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology is indexed in Google Schoolar, Crossref, EBSCO, Road, Garuda, IPI, PKP INDEX, One Search ect.